Thursday 22 October 2015

Fat-Loss Daily Meal Plan


Breakfast: ¼ cup oatbran (dry) made with water, 6 egg whites scrambled with 2 cups spinach,
mushrooms and onions, ½ cup frozen blue berries, black coffee

Mid-morning: 1 small grapefruit, 20 raw almonds Lunch: Large greens salad, 1 grilled chicken breast, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, ½ sweet potato, large unsweetened hot green tea 

Mid-afternoon: ½ lb ground turkey, 1 cup broccoli, ½ sweet potato 

Dinner: 6 oz halibut, 10 asparagus spears, small mixed greens salad After dinner: Spoonful natural peanut butter 

This meal plan requires more frequent eating, and has noticeably more vegetables and lean protein sources.  Many diet experts will worry about this plan, saying that it is low in fiber or low in nutrients; let’s look at the nutritional profile:

1600 calories
50 grams fat
115 grams carbohydrates (31 grams fiber)
160 grams protein

Calorically, these diets look very similar, and are in a good range, despite the fat-loss plan containing a much greater volume of food.   Similarly, both plans contain adequate fiber (>30 grams) to help lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.  However, in the healthy meal plan, only 11% of total carbohydrates are in the form of healthy fiber, while in the fat-loss diet, 27% of total carbohydrates come from fiber (note: all carbs that are not listed as “fiber,” are sugar).  Also, the two diets are drastically different in their ratio of carbohydrates to protein.  These key differences in the meal plans impact the extent to which the eater will burn fat or not.

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This meal plan requires more frequent eating, and has noticeably more vegetables and lean protein sources.  Many diet experts will worry about this plan, saying that it is low in fiber or low in nutrients; let’s look at the nutritional profile:
1600 calories
50 grams fat
115 grams carbohydrates (31 grams fiber)
160 grams protein
Calorically, these diets look very similar, and are in a good range, despite the fat-loss plan containing a much greater volume of food.   Similarly, both plans contain adequate fiber (>30 grams) to help lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.  However, in the healthy meal plan, only 11% of total carbohydrates are in the form of healthy fiber, while in the fat-loss diet, 27% of total carbohydrates come from fiber (note: all carbs that are not listed as “fiber,” are sugar).  Also, the two diets are drastically different in their ratio of carbohydrates to protein.  These key differences in the meal plans impact the extent to which the eater will burn fat or not.
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