Wednesday 2 December 2015

Resistance Bands vs Free Weights - MyTrainerFitness.Com

Resistance Band Tips (Healthy Lifestyle)
  • Choose the correct band for the level of resistance that suits your workouts.  Often determined by color, that can be manufacturer-specific, so a general rule of thumb:  thinner bands for less resistance, thicker for more.
  • Warm up just as you would before any weight training exercises.
  • Purchase high-quality bands with good handles that won’t wear quickly and replace when they start to thin and lose elasticity.
  • If anything feels too easy, try using a heavier band with more tension.
  • If too hard, select a thinner band.
  • Be careful…a pop from a slipped band can smart! 

My Trainer Fitness Resistance Band Workout
Warm Up: Jog in place, 5 minutes

Move quickly through each exercise to complete 1 set, repeat up to 3 times.

CIRCUIT 1: 12 reps for each exercise – 3 Sets Total

1. Biceps Curl
2. Triceps Overhead Extension
3. Shoulder Press
4. Plié Pop-up (no band)

CIRCUIT 2: 12 reps for each exercise – 3 Sets Total

1. Hammer Curl
2. Lateral Raise
3. Front Raise
4. Dip (from chair)
5. Squat Jump

For More Information Visit :- Weight Training Programs

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