Tuesday 8 December 2015

Super Simple Warm-ups that Work

Here are some of our favorite warm up exercises. (Weight Training Programs)

Jumping Jacks

Yep! Good ole fashioned jumping jacks is a gentle warm-up that gets your heart rate up quickly with less impact than jogging on a treadmill.
Jumping Rope

Jumping rope, jogging in place, “football feet” or high knees are all great ways to get your cardio revved up quickly.

Jogging in Place – an easy way to warm up

High Knees – either slowly by bring each knee to check while walking, then more rapidly speeding up to jogging while bringing knees up high.


It’s difficult to injure yourself while performing a proper squat and yet it heats up the largest muscle groups in your body: primarily your glutes, (3 gluteus muscles) and hams (3 hamstring muscles), secondarily your quads (4 quadricep muscles), 

Jump Squats

I love jump squats. I start each morning with 10 push-ups, then a fast paced 10 jump squats and 20 squats, done in the time it takes the water to get hot for my shower. This 1 minute routine totally awakens and invigorates me immediately, and it always amazes me how I can go so quickly from having just been asleep, to wide awake and totally pumped for the day, even before my morning shower.


Warning: If you have any shoulder pain or shoulder issues, you’ll want to bypass these or else do modified ones, such as from your knees, or from a surface that allows you to be at a gentle 45 degree angle, such as leaning in plank position again a wall, rail, desk or sturdy chair. 


Light lunges in place or walking lunges without weights, but be careful not to overextend until your body is really warmed up.

For More Information Visit :- Fun Fitness Tips

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Resistance Bands vs Free Weights - MyTrainerFitness.Com

Resistance Band Tips (Healthy Lifestyle)
  • Choose the correct band for the level of resistance that suits your workouts.  Often determined by color, that can be manufacturer-specific, so a general rule of thumb:  thinner bands for less resistance, thicker for more.
  • Warm up just as you would before any weight training exercises.
  • Purchase high-quality bands with good handles that won’t wear quickly and replace when they start to thin and lose elasticity.
  • If anything feels too easy, try using a heavier band with more tension.
  • If too hard, select a thinner band.
  • Be careful…a pop from a slipped band can smart! 

My Trainer Fitness Resistance Band Workout
Warm Up: Jog in place, 5 minutes

Move quickly through each exercise to complete 1 set, repeat up to 3 times.

CIRCUIT 1: 12 reps for each exercise – 3 Sets Total

1. Biceps Curl
2. Triceps Overhead Extension
3. Shoulder Press
4. PliĆ© Pop-up (no band)

CIRCUIT 2: 12 reps for each exercise – 3 Sets Total

1. Hammer Curl
2. Lateral Raise
3. Front Raise
4. Dip (from chair)
5. Squat Jump

For More Information Visit :- Weight Training Programs

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Vegetable Ingredients And Procedure

Vegetable Ingredients: 

Chop bite sized for oven roasting; larger for shish kabobs.

4 zucchinis (cubed)    (Vit. C, B-6 & Potassium)

2 bell peppers (roughly chopped)  (Vit. C & B-6)
1 bunch Brussel sprouts (quartered)   (Potassium, Vit C, A, B-6 & fiber)
2 broccoli crowns (cut to bite sized)  (Vit. C, A, Calcium, Iron)
4 portabella mushrooms (cubed)  (Niacin, Riboflavin, Selenium, Copper, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorous, Potassium. Protein)
1 red onion (thick slices)  (Vit C)

Dressing Ingredients

1/2 c olive oil  (Phytosterols, Vit K, E, Omega 3 & 6)
1/4 c balsamic vinegar  (Manganese, Iron)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp lemon juice  (Vit C)

 For More Information Visit :- Health And Fitness Tips

Thursday 22 October 2015

Fat-Loss Daily Meal Plan


Breakfast: ¼ cup oatbran (dry) made with water, 6 egg whites scrambled with 2 cups spinach,
mushrooms and onions, ½ cup frozen blue berries, black coffee

Mid-morning: 1 small grapefruit, 20 raw almonds Lunch: Large greens salad, 1 grilled chicken breast, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, ½ sweet potato, large unsweetened hot green tea 

Mid-afternoon: ½ lb ground turkey, 1 cup broccoli, ½ sweet potato 

Dinner: 6 oz halibut, 10 asparagus spears, small mixed greens salad After dinner: Spoonful natural peanut butter 

This meal plan requires more frequent eating, and has noticeably more vegetables and lean protein sources.  Many diet experts will worry about this plan, saying that it is low in fiber or low in nutrients; let’s look at the nutritional profile:

1600 calories
50 grams fat
115 grams carbohydrates (31 grams fiber)
160 grams protein

Calorically, these diets look very similar, and are in a good range, despite the fat-loss plan containing a much greater volume of food.   Similarly, both plans contain adequate fiber (>30 grams) to help lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.  However, in the healthy meal plan, only 11% of total carbohydrates are in the form of healthy fiber, while in the fat-loss diet, 27% of total carbohydrates come from fiber (note: all carbs that are not listed as “fiber,” are sugar).  Also, the two diets are drastically different in their ratio of carbohydrates to protein.  These key differences in the meal plans impact the extent to which the eater will burn fat or not.

For More Update Visit :- Healthy Lifestyle

This meal plan requires more frequent eating, and has noticeably more vegetables and lean protein sources.  Many diet experts will worry about this plan, saying that it is low in fiber or low in nutrients; let’s look at the nutritional profile:
1600 calories
50 grams fat
115 grams carbohydrates (31 grams fiber)
160 grams protein
Calorically, these diets look very similar, and are in a good range, despite the fat-loss plan containing a much greater volume of food.   Similarly, both plans contain adequate fiber (>30 grams) to help lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.  However, in the healthy meal plan, only 11% of total carbohydrates are in the form of healthy fiber, while in the fat-loss diet, 27% of total carbohydrates come from fiber (note: all carbs that are not listed as “fiber,” are sugar).  Also, the two diets are drastically different in their ratio of carbohydrates to protein.  These key differences in the meal plans impact the extent to which the eater will burn fat or not.
- See more at: http://mytrainerfitness.com/healthy-eating-vs-eating-fat-loss/#sthash.aZLwxvip.dpuf

Saturday 17 October 2015

Super Simple Steps to Stress Relief

Healthy LifestyleMy Trainer Fitness

What to do when you don’t have time and you feel like you’re running as fast as you can go but can’t keep up with your life? Has this ever happened to you? A friend recently asked this question:

“What do you do in the midst of those days when you have so much to organize and finish that you barely have time to eat (which you do in the car while running errands) or manage other necessities…so much in my head lately that I feel like I’m in this constant “I’m running late” panic.”

It’s an awful feeling, and is often accompanied by nightmares or restless sleep.

For More Information About to Stress Relief Visit :- Health And Fitness

Thursday 8 October 2015

How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Stop complaining your work times and the work pressure at office. It high time you wake up and understand the important of keeping yourself healthy and fit even when you have a stressful life and a busy schedule. Wise people will know how to balance their work and health to lead a Healthy Lifestyle.

Everyone works in different field and their work place is different and the work routine and timings are also different so you cannot follow the same kind of health routine that your friend or neighbour follows so you need to understand your health first and then start following the diet and exercise accordingly.

You need to begin by analysing your food habits and make changes when necessary. Making changes in the diet routine will bring a lot of difference. Change the cooking oil and cooking style when every appropriate. Include fresh vegetables and fruits and you can also choose herbal remedies that prove to be a healthier way of living. Do your workout for a healthy living. Exercise will help you to stay fit and choose the style of exercise you are comfortable with an lead a happy living.

For More Information About Health Tips Visit :- Weight Training Programs